private dog training sessions

Private Dog Training Sessions

At Ruff & Rowdy we believe working closely with a professional dog trainer often strengthens the bond between the dog and the owner. This enhanced relationship can lead to better obedience and a deeper understanding between the pet and its human.

Private dog training sessions allows for personalized attention and customized training plans that cater specifically to your dog’s needs, behavior, and learning style. Trainers can address specific issues or work on particular commands based on your dog’s temperament and your goals.

No two dogs are alike. Private dog training allows us to focus entirely on your dog’s individual needs, behavior, and learning style. Whether it’s addressing specific behavioral issues or honing advanced skills, our sessions are entirely tailored to your furry companion.

At Ruff & Rowdy, we understand that every dog is unique. While group training classes offer valuable socialization and basic obedience, there’s an undeniable advantage to personalized, one-on-one attention through private dog training lessons. 

With one-on-one sessions, we can concentrate solely on you and your dog, providing undivided attention to their behavior, ensuring better communication and quicker progress compared to group training classes.

Private dog training sessions not only teaches the dog but also educates the owner. Our goal is to set up the owner with the right tools and information for owner’s to train their dogs. At Ruff & Rowdy we will teach you how to communicate effectively with your dog, understand their cues, and maintain consistency in training even outside of sessions.

With undivided attention from our skilled trainers, you’ll receive personalized guidance and feedback, ensuring that both you and your dog understand and practice the techniques effectively. We understand the demands of daily. Private lessons offer flexibility in scheduling, allowing you to choose convenient times for training sessions that fit seamlessly into your routine.

At Ruff & Rowdy we understand the demands of daily. Private dog lessons offer flexibility in scheduling, allowing you to choose convenient times for training sessions that fit seamlessly into your routine.

Give us a call today to schedule your own one on one private dog training lesson! If you don’t live in Tucson, Arizona or would just like some advice on your dog check out our Virtual Dog Training Sessions!

private dog training sessions

How Do I Get Started?

For in person dog training, we always do an evaluation appointment first. This allows our expert trainer at Ruff & Rowdy to understand your dog’s behavior, temperament, and specific training needs, enabling us to tailor a personalized and effective training plan for optimal results. During this appointment, we will go over a lot of helpful information and answer any questions. Give us a call so we can setup your evaluation appointment and get you and your K-9 friend on the path of building a stronger relationship!

How Do I Prepare for My Session?

It is really important to think about your goals, this helps us design a custom training program for you and your dog. The most important thing to do is to relax! Training dogs for owners can be very stressful, especially on dog owners who may be dealing with some behavioral issues such as reactivity. Once we schedule your session, just show up with the items suggested from the trainer and have fun during your session!

Where Are the Private Dog Training Sessions Held?

Every situation is different, we believe that dog training is something that needs to be adaptable to each dog. The core fundamentals stay the same, however the approach may need to be adjusted depending on the dog. The trainer will decide on what will be the best place for your session after speaking with and performing an evaluation. Some of our private dog training sessions have been held at parks, stores, parking lots, and even our clients homes.

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