Ah, the joy of bringing home a new furry friend—puppy cuddles, playful antics, and… potty accidents. As professional dog trainers one of the top questions we get when someone has a new pup is how to potty train a puppy. If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed by the mess, worry not! We’ve fetched some paw-some tips to help you conquer the challenge of potty training your adorable new pup.

1. The Power of the Crate

Let’s talk about crates—your secret weapon in the war against indoor puddles. Dogs have an innate instinct to keep their living area clean, and a properly introduced crate can tap into this instinct. Make the crate a cozy den by lining it with comfy bedding and enticing chew toys. Introduce your pup to the crate gradually, associating it with positive experiences and never as punishment.

2. Establishing a Routine

Consistency is key! Establish a consistent schedule for bathroom breaks, especially after meals, playtime, and naps. Young pups have tiny bladders, so take them out every few hours. Watch for cues like sniffing or circling, which often signal the need to go. By maintaining a routine, you’re setting your pup up for success.

3. Praise and Positive Reinforcement

When your little furball does their business outside, shower them with praise, treats, and belly rubs. Positive reinforcement is a game-changer! Dogs thrive on encouragement, and associating going potty outside with rewards strengthens the desired behavior.

4. Consistent Spot for Success

Designate a specific spot in your yard for potty breaks. Consistency is key here too! Lead your pup to this spot every time, using a cue word like “go potty” to help them associate the area with their business. Clearing the area of previous messes also helps reinforce this designated bathroom spot.

5. Patience and Persistence

Lastly, patience is your ally. Accidents are inevitable, but don’t lose heart! Clean accidents thoroughly with an enzymatic cleaner to remove odors that might attract your pup back to the same spot. Remember, every pup learns at their own pace—stay persistent and consistent.


Embarking on the journey of potty training a puppy might seem daunting, but with these crate-ively effective tips from Ruff & Rowdy, you’re on the right track! Consistent crate training, establishing a routine, praising good behavior, designating a potty spot, and, above all, patience, are the keys to success. Soon enough, your pup will be a potty-trained pro, and those indoor accidents will become a thing of the past.

So, grab that leash, gear up with treats, and get ready to celebrate those potty successes because, before you know it, your puppy will be acing this training game!

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